Is God Our Conductor?

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Is God Our Conductor?

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“Every great team relies on a conductor to establish direction.” As I was waiting for Handel’s Messiah to begin at the Cincinnati Music Hall, I flipped through the pamphlet and ran across this quote.

It hit me hard. I asked myself, “Is God my conductor?”

Do we let Him direct the way we live our life? And as a Body, do we know the music we are playing?

In everyday life, do we think of God as the one true God? In today’s secular society, I don’t think we do. We have other gods that rule—money, power, entertainment, celebrities, sex and drugs. But God commanded, “You shall have no other gods before Me” (Exodus 20:3). We need to have God as our conductor to direct our lives and keep us on track to the rhythm of the music of His word.

As we go through life, do we know the music we are playing? In other words, do we know how to live God’s way of life? The Bible is the sheet music—we should be studying it every day. We should be changing any behavior that doesn’t come into subjection to His way of life and character. We have to let Him direct our path.

In any music group, you need to practice. We should be practicing living God’s way every single day. That’s the only way we will make a meaningful change in our life. Because we can watch the director all we want, but if we don’t know the music, we’ll be lost. The same follows in our relationship with God. If we don’t know and follow what He has to say, we’ll be lost.

We need to rely on God to guide our way and keep us on track (Proverbs 3:6). Rely on God to be the director for your life.

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  • Ivan Veller
    May we be "cleanse[d]...for honorable use, set apart, useful to the Master, prepared for every good work" (2 Timothy 2:21b, LEB 2010) and "clothed...with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience...forgiv[eness, and], which binds us all together in perfect harmony" (Colossians 3:12-14, NLT 2010).
  • Rtslocum
    Bryan, many things in life are there for us to draw analogies to God's teaching. Once we open our minds to His Truth the world becomes full of life lessons and deep meaning. Since I was a small boy in the care of my Parents in the God's church, I have had this relationship with my God. I try never to miss an opportunity to see God's hand in my life. I am truly pleased to see your intentional insight. May we all learn to play His music by memory and feel, may His music fill our lives with joy and peace that only comes from Him.
  • dust_i_am
    Even better - make Jesus Christ your "concert-Master!" :-)
  • KARS
    Put God the Father first in your day and the day may just go smoother if you let Him lead the way.
  • dldesjar
    Bryan, God guides each one of us throughout our lives in very interesting ways. The metaphor you drew from your experience at the symphony and your encouragement to allow God to “direct” our lives is outstanding. You could not have been clearer in your explanation and have given me much to think about. Keep up the good work.
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