Is Life Worth Living?

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Is Life Worth Living?

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The death of Robin Williams is a shock to anyone who loves to laugh. That he died by apparent suicide is a shock to all who love life. That both laughter and life were thought to be loved by one whom we loved is the true tragedy of this incident. Apparently Williams suffered from depression and most of us wouldn’t have known it. We were too busy enjoying his immense talent.

That’s often what happens when we fail to detect someone suffering from depression. We are wrapped up in our own life and not able to detect the life in front of us that isn’t working the way it should. The signs can be there if we know what to look for–the manic style, the emotional highs and lows. These often mask other issues lurking beneath the surface and strangling the life of a person.

It is sad how many people do suffer from this disease. Having once skirted its dark edges I know just enough to appreciate the shrouded mists people walk as they struggle to find their way to normalcy. I have counseled many with clinical depression and understand the immense struggle people have with this disease. There is help for those who struggle with depression. Medication works. Therapy helps. Friends can care and offer support. But at the end of the day one who suffers with depression is alone with their thoughts, moods and feelings. And before the end can come there is choice. The depressed always make a choice even if it is to end their suffering.

During the period of my life when I was skirting the edges of depression I chose to get back into life and move forward. The means I chose were a combination of prayer and selected readings from the Bible and poetry. Let me explain.

I am a believer in the power of prayer. Tennyson said more things are wrought by prayer than imagined and it is true. You have to try it to believe and understand the power that is available from God, the creator and sustainer of life. If you read the powerful Psalms of David when he struggled through times of darkness you begin to understand what can be done with the power of God’s Spirit. It is the untapped source of comfort so little understood in our modern world. Prayer to God helped me climb out of depression.

When I wasn’t reading the Bible I was reading heroic poetry. Somehow words shaped into powerful cadences and rhythms worked on another part of me that responded. The one poem that resonated above others was by Tennyson, called “Ulysses”. The last line, “…to strive to seek to find and not to yield” told me to gut it out and keep going. No matter what the obstacle it could be overcome.

This combined approach helped me choose a course forward. Through the years when I have needed a refresher this has been how I have kept an even keel in life. I know circumstances are different for other people and other combinations will be needed. But the point is to keep trying. Keep working on getting better. Choose life that you may live!

Depression can be managed. It can be overcome. It does not have to end in tragedy. Get help. If you detect it in a friend or family member take it seriously and be a support. Call them. Keep in touch. Tell them by words and actions that you care.

It is a true statement that if we think every day will be the last day of our life someday it will come true. But we don’t have to choose the day. We can choose to live until that day comes.

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  • Heather Disher
    Suveo, To answer your question, please take a look at this article on I think it will be comforting to you if suicide has touched your life in some way. Regards, Heather Disher
  • Malachi 3_16-18
    Hi Suveo, The answer to your question is two-fold. First, heaven is not the reward of the saved. When the righteous men and women of the Bible died, they were buried in the ground, where they remain until the resurrection (Acts 2:29, 34; Jn 5:28-29; Dan 12:1-2). But God has a plan for them, and for all mankind. For those who were/are Christians, they will be resurrected when Jesus returns to this earth (1 Cor 15:50-52), then they will take part in ruling with our Lord on this earth (Mt 5:5; Rev 5:10). Others will be resurrected later, will be taught by God and the saints who rule with Him (Rev 2:26-27; Isa 30:20-21), and will in turn will be saved (Obadiah, verse 21). God is not willing that any should perish, but wants all to come to the knowledge of the truth and be saved (2 Pet 3:9; 1 Tim 2:4). Second, killing one’s self is still murder even though it isn’t killing another human being. This is because it is God who gives us life, and it is He who decides when to let us die (Gen 2:7, Job 12:10, Job 33:4, Acts 17:25). Consider that Job, one of the greatest patriarchs of the Bible, suffered intensely but never considered taking his own life. He asked for God to take it (Job 6:8-9, Job 14:13), but left it to His Creator to decide. For those who die from suicide, I believe that most or all do not realize the seriousness of their decision, and that they will have to answer to God for it when they are resurrected. If they lacked understanding, I am sure that God will be merciful to them (Isa 29:24; 1 Tim 1:13), showing them the right way, and also healing them mentally and emotionally (Mal 4:2; Rev 22:2).
  • dust_i_am
    So is depression a choice? Like President Lincoln's quote: "Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be"? Or is it genetic and predisposed, as some claim homosexuality is?
  • suveo
    Question,,,, We know that God says you will not kill but,the Lord Jesus Christ Came and died for our sins,past,present and future.If you take your own life,will you still go to heaven?
  • Jacob Hitsman
    Thanks Darris for this commentary, I especially liked the last few words which were, "We can choose to live until that day comes". Depression is tough and all have some form of temporary depression at one time or another in their lives. Seems as though there is no hope any longer and things keep getting darker and darker as time goes by. Bad circumstances compile upon each other and in the end up being a heavy burden carried every day with no relief in sight. Anxiety, fear, and uncertainty drive many mad and it unfortunately ends in suicide. People will know that God loves them some day soon and find reason to live and show love to one another every day. Satan's world will have an end and the Kingdom of God will prevail over this kingdom of darkness we are a part of now. I would imagine Satan has his hand in this suicide epidemic we see in front of us in this day. Just the psychological terror he can instill on a person can be overwhelming to say the least. If a person confesses to not believe in this evil spirit then the spirit can wreak havoc and the enemy is not known or how to combat him. For us who believe in Christ the answer is simple and that is to call upon His Holy Spirit to fight the evil one. He does give us power over the devil and we do not fear evilness but reject it when we encounter it. But at least we know it and how it comes into our mind so we have a defense against this evil spirit. There is no doubt we find Satan's world abhorrent and pray daily to The Lord Jesus Christ that he put down this evil ruler of this earth now. We are sickened by the signs of evilness surrounding us daily. We exist in a state of grief and sadness looking at the world around us. As men of old we cry out, how long oh Lord till you judge this earth and destroy those who destroy your creation? How long must the earth remain in rebellion to your Holy Way? Please my Lord come and save us from this despair we feel every day. Let us remain faithful to your Holiness and prepare for the days of refreshment. Amen Amen
  • mwhdvm
    Thank you for this well said commentary. The story of Robin Williams is very sad and I look forward to the day when he can receive the fulfillment he so desired from the only one who can truly give it to him. Then he will know peace and joy...and we'll all be inspired by him like never before.
  • Yui
    Excellent. Thank you for sharing part of your struggle.
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