Is the End of the World Near?

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Is the End of the World Near?

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Self-proclaimed prophets have been forecasting the demise of the world for millennia. Scores—if not hundreds—of doomsayers through the ages have uttered dire warnings of the cessation of civilization as it was or now is. Some were secular; others professed religion of one sort or another. Some have been very specific in their predictions, proclaiming the very day of the end. History shows us they all have one thing in common: They were all in error.

As we look to the year 2012, some have specifically set December 21, 2012, as the last day of the world as we know it. Should we believe this bold scenario? Should we do something to get our affairs in order in case we must meet our maker on that day?

The Bible does predict the end of this present world. God inspired His prophets and apostles to predict the close of the age. However, one common thread binds all of the biblical warnings about the end of this evil era, and that is that no prophet, not even our High Priest, Jesus Christ, ever set a specific date. He said, "Of that day and hour no one knows" (Matthew 24:36).

Today's world is rained upon by a rash of frightening, portentous warnings that surely the sky is about to fall. As with the past, some of these proclamations spew forth from the mutterings and writings of secular seers, and others emit from the tongues of "spiritual" prophets.

Historically, some believed these prophetic proclamations and took reckless action—to their own hurt when the prophesied events did not come to pass. Many of those who foretold the end had good intentions, but they either misunderstood or misapplied what the Bible states.

What should we do? We should believe the promise of Jesus Christ that He will return, and we should always be spiritually ready. Christians should not wait even one week to begin acting upon the spiritual knowledge that we have, which is to repent and obey the Commandments of God. But we should not fall into the trap of believing the predictions of men. We should respond to the words of Jesus Christ, who said we should watch and pray always (Luke 21:36).

The Bible tells us of many ominous events that will occur before the very crisis at the close of the age. We will continue to report to you in The Good News magazine how world events may tie in with the greater picture of Bible prophecy.

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