Life: A Gift From God

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A Gift From God

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My grandmother tried to have me killed! She, as hundreds of thousands of other grandmothers of that generation and since, took her daughter to have her own first grandchild killed.

Abortion wasn't legal in those days. It wasn't legal in the U.S. until I was pregnant with my own firstborn. That was when the state of Oregon became the first to legalize abortion.

I didn't know the ugly story of my grandmother trying to have me aborted until I was about 24 years old. I sat wide-eyed, not knowing what to say, as my mother blurted it out to me during an argument she was having with my grandmother.

And then, between the two of them, the details spilled out.

My mother was 17 and pregnant. Her mother took her to a doctor that would perform the illegal act. My grandmother weakly interjected that she feared for her daughter's safety because my mother was so small.

Later in my childhood, my mother became an alcoholic and I suffered a lot of abuse because of that. That's a different story of forgiveness. But I will always appreciate the heroic behavior of my four-foot, nine-inch, petite mother on that day those many years ago.

My mother dressed into a hospital gown and was escorted by a nurse into another room, where the doctor was waiting. My mother looked into the doctor's eyes and threatened him: "If you do this, I will go to the police! I am memorizing exactly what you look like! I will tell them everything! I will tell them where you are doing this!"

Shaken, the doctor ordered the nurse, "Get her out of here!"

My mother—and mostly our Father in heaven—saved my life before I was born. I'm grateful that I didn't die that day. Every day I am thankful for the gift of life, not only for myself, but for all the people and animal life around me. Our Creator gave us this gift out of His loving kindness.

Andrea Bocelli is one of my favorite singers. He often tells "a little story" of a young pregnant wife that had appendicitis. The doctors had treated her by putting ice on her stomach. And then they recommended she have an abortion because they thought the baby would probably be damaged. The young woman bravely refused to have the abortion. That woman was Andrea's mother.

Yes, Andrea is blind. But he too is grateful for the gift of life. If Andrea's mother let the doctors perform an abortion, we would have never enjoyed his beautiful voice. Andrea Bocelli is now dedicated to telling his “little story” in hopes that it will encourage other mothers to protect their unborn babies.

I read another story on the Internet told by Jason Jones of His story did not go so well. And yet Jason tells his story in hopes of saving more unborn children. Jason's girlfriend became pregnant while they were still teens. The couple planned on how he would join the military and save the money for them to marry and get a home together for their baby.

While training, Jason was devastated when he received a call from his girlfriend telling him how her father forced her to get an abortion. This grandfather succeeded in getting his first grandchild killed.

Last week I read of another brave woman named Minka. Minka was assaulted when she was only 16 years old in 1928. Minka carried the baby and was allowed to care for her daughter for one month. Minka knew she was too young and had no means to care for a baby, so she gave her up for adoption.

Minka always longed to know how her daughter was doing. In recent times, Minka especially prayed that she could at least see how her daughter was doing. Minka prayed, saying she would not interfere with her daughter's life, but just that she would be able to see how her daughter was, at least once.

The adoption records became unsealed. Minka was able to connect to her daughter, who very much wanted to see her birth mother. Minka's daughter was 77 years old when they met! They embraced, and they both agreed it was like they had never been apart!

As I wrote about before, I also had the joy of meeting my birth father when I was 57 years old. Oh, that every aborted baby could see the joy of life the way I have! Please don't say, "My body, my choice." That takes away the baby's choice. The baby didn't ask to be conceived. And the baby didn't ask to die. Life is a gift from God. Job 10:11-12 confirms: "You have clothed me with skin and flesh, and have fenced me with bones and sinews. You have granted me life and favor, and your visitation has preserved my spirit."

We stand at a pivotal point in time. We have to make our choices wisely, according to God's wisdom, not our own reasoning. According to the CDC, U.S. abortions are on the decline. From 2002 until 2012, the CDC says abortion rates have steadily dropped from 33 percent of all U.S. pregnancies to 18 percent.

Younger people seem to have become more informed that abortion is a mass slaughter, most often used as a form of birth control, not as protection in cases of rape or health as is so often claimed in arguments for abortion rights. Even then, the choice to carry the baby is a hard one. But mothers who make that choice are heroes.

Mothers and fathers, have courage. Babies need your protection and love. Let us look forward to the time when all babies will have joy and life, to a time when they too can sing Psalms 139:14: "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well."

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  • Carolyn Prater

    Thank you all for your encouraging comments!

  • Don Hooser

    Carolyn, I'm greatly inspired by your article. Thank you for sharing all this. We're are so glad you have survived!! And you're a good writer. I hope to see more by you. Don

  • RW

    Man, that was serious. Your mother was very courageous. And so are you. Blessed is our God the Father, and His Son.

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