Life Lessons: A Way of Thinking

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Life Lessons

A Way of Thinking

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Why does wisdom seem elusive?  Many times life's problems appear too complex and solutions are difficult to find.  Wisdom isn't found in mysterious codes, but a practical and ethical way of thinking.

Points to build on

Thoughts are vitally important because they determine a person's real character.

Proverbs 12:5:  "The thoughts of the righteous are right, But the counsels of the wicked are deceitful."  (Tanakh:  "The purposes of the righteous are justice; The schemes of the wicked are deceit.")

Proverbs 15:26:  "The thoughts of the wicked are an abomination to the LORD, But the words of the pure are pleasant."

When we trust in God, and live by His ways, our thoughts will succeed.  Actions and emotions are determined by thoughts.  When our thoughts are based on God's way of life our actions are guided by that way and God will bless the outcome.

Proverbs 16:3:  "Commit your works to the LORD, And your thoughts will be established."


In Thinking for a Change John Maxwell writes about eleven types of thinking that leads to failure or success:

1.Small Thinking vs. Big-Picture Thinking

2. Scattered Thinking vs. Focused Thinking

3. Restrictive Thinking vs. Creative Thinking

4. Fantasy Thinking vs. Realistic Thinking

5. Random Thinking vs. Strategic Thinking

6. Limited Thinking vs. Possibility Thinking

7. Impulsive Thinking vs. Reflective Thinking

8. Popular Thinking vs. Innovative Thinking

9. Solo Thinking vs. Shared Thinking

10. Selfish Thinking vs. Unselfish Thinking

11. Wishful Thinking vs. Bottom-Line Thinking

Guard your thoughts, because ultimately your thoughts are who you become.

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  • Biosky
    God please help us to think positively at all times.Amen
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