Life Lessons from Thailand

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Life Lessons from Thailand

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Recently I returned from Thailand where I taught at a school called the Legacy Institute. Legacy runs on a volunteer basis, as a service to young adults in Southeast Asia who are interested in learning the Christian faith and English language. Over the last year, I’ve had many new interesting, exciting and challenging experiences, but through them all, these are the three lessons that I learned.

1. Be fearless

Thailand is a completely different world compared to life in America. It was uncomfortable, sometimes even dangerous. I learned that the only thing I could truly rely on for my life and security was God. Being fearless meant being vulnerable, and trusting that God was always in control and He is always good. I had to know that, and truly believe that He was going to take care of me in order to find real courage to do His will and trust in His might (Psalms 23:1-6, Philippians 4:12-13).

2. Excuses take away opportunities to love others selflessly

Because life was uncomfortable, it was also easy to have reasons justifiable for not doing what would really serve my students and fellow teachers. In these new surroundings my own needs became much more evident and seemed even harder to sacrifice. But the apostle John said, “By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren . . . let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth” (1 John 3:16-18). Each day I had to fight to be present in my students’ lives and be diligent in fulfilling my responsibilities to take care of their needs. Everything I did mattered, and I held myself accountable before God for that.

3. Love is a choice, not a feeling

In all of the challenges we faced, running away from our differences and conflicts was never an option. As students and teachers we had to be committed to one another, and choose to love each other each day. We made lots of mistakes and hurt each other often. We disagreed and had many differences in our backgrounds, cultures and even Christian fellowships, but we had to remember that God had put us together for a reason, and it was our responsibility to reach our fullest potential in loving Him and one another every day. 

Through all the challenges we faced, I am so thankful to God for the lessons He gave me and the times we shared at Legacy. It was an incredible journey, and I miss everyone there very much. I know it's only the beginning in God's greater plan, but I can hardly wait to be with everyone and see my students again. I hope these life lessons will be helpful to you in your journey towards God, and please continue to pray for all God's work and His will to be done.

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    JOHNSON ABRAHAM. What is fear? F(force) E(evident) A(appearing)R(real) we must learn how to put everything in prayer including fear, any time you are doing something and fear is coming to you remember that you have God by you said do not fear. When you are praying and you afraid you know you are darting God. Thank you for this article.
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