Meteorites, Climate Change and God

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Meteorites, Climate Change and God

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The meteor that struck Russia today is a reminder that humans really don't control natural events on planet Earth. It should be a wake up call telling us God has set it all in motion and it's all ok. But don't tell President Obama or most other world leaders who feel we humans can "protect the planet" or really control the climate. 

An ad in today's Financial Times saying that "protecting the planet is everyone's job" reminded me of the hubris behind so much of the talk about climate control and man's destruction of the environment. President Obama's State of the Union address this week contained a token statement about the subject when he said "carbon pollution threatens our planet" and "for the sake of our children and our future, we must combat climate change". 

I have always thought this talk about climate change is on par with the pride demonstrated by those people at Babel who tried to build a tower that would reach into the heavens (Genesis 11:4). Man will not destroy the earth's climate nor can we really "protect the planet". The earth has been here longer than man and will serve its intended purpose until "the restoration of all things which God has spoken by the mouth of His holy prophets" (Genesis 3:21).

A meteor fragment streaking through the atmosphere at 19,000 miles an hour creates enough force and attention to remind all who will hear that God controls "the ordinances of the heaven (and) their dominion over the earth" (Job 38:33). It's time to pay attention to this God.

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  • Ben John Campos
    Such a wonderful article. Thanks Mr.McNeely ;)
  • olumayokun
    I understand that ultimately, man cannot destroy the earth's climate. But i need to know, is it that human activities cannot in anyway affect the earth's climate?
  • Skip Miller
    Hello olumayokun, Yes, of course, humans can affect the earth's climate. Now, how much, is an entirely different question.
  • 2balite
    On Facebook I asked the question, "Is this meteorite that struck Russia, time and chance or is it God giving us a hint as to who is in charge of things?" I'm curious as to see what the reply will be.
  • andy byler
    I always wondered about climate control, thx for info!
  • irini_limaj
    I don't know about the climate change, but I am sure we are capable to destroy our planet and I think that a call for awareness of our actions is ok. i have not heard Obama's speech and I don't care much about it, most of what politicians say is just for show. But I mean we have to take care or our home cause that if it doesn't change the climate, it sure can change our quality of life. all the greed and selfishness is affecting life for everyone here. so yes, I would like people to drive less and recycle more and strive to live in a clean environment ( although this doesn't mean let's export all our trash in a third world country cause hey they are used to living like trash) I mean, I am so tired of all the smog and piles of garbage, it has gotten out of hand...
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