Middle East Log 2007-12

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Middle East Log 2007-12

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On Monday, October 8 we toured the site of Tel Megiddo, one of Israel's prize excavations. Megiddo is the site of one of the ancient worlds key choke points. More battles have been fought at Megiddo than any other spot on the planet. The first known battle is an attack by Pharoah Thutmose III in the fifteenth century B.C. As recently as the 1948 war between Israel and the Arab states there were skirmishes on the plain below the site.

Two years ago I visited the the site and decided to write two articles (and here)on the history and the prophecies of the location. Megiddo gives its name to what is called Armageddon in Revelation 16. People mistakenly refer to the "Battle of Armageddon" when the Bible does not use that language. It is called the "battle of that great day of God almighty". When you put the scriptures together you understand that Megiddo is only the staging point for this great clash. My articles explain.

I had the opportunity to give an extended talk to our group before we went up on the tel. It was a hot and hazy day which limited our view from on top. But Megiddo is always a fascinating place to visit. Looking out on that vast Plain of Jezreel and thinking about events past and future are sobering and motivating. We have much to do before events move the world to this final showdown with God. It is time to get going and warn  this world of the powerful deceptions that lie ahead.

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