Middle East Log 2007-2

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Middle East Log 2007-2

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We arrived in Amman late afternoon Wednesday and were transferred to our hotel, Le Meridien. The streets were nearly vacant as the sun was setting on another day of Ramadan. Jordanian Muslims were in their homes and restaurants ready to break their fast. This is a unique sight because the streets of Amman are normally busy with heavy traffic. Amman is a progressive Arab capital and I can see new construction going on.

One new thing I noticed at our hotel is due to the aftermath of the hotel bombings of two years ago. We had to pass our luggage and ourselves through electronic screening before entering the lobby. A glass enclosure has been built to house the equipment and it takes away from the ease and pleasure I experienced upon first entering the hotel two years ago. We are reminded we are in a dangerous place where people will try to kill indiscriminately. Another sign of our times.

But life in a free capitalist society goes on. One of the antidotes to terrorism is to continue on with life. Keep living and producing and do not be cowed by fear and intimidation. The key to achieving  freedom is moving relentlessly forward with your ultimate mission firmly fixed. Spiritually our goal is the kingdom of God and our mission is to preach the gospel of the kingdom. Today's world is held in the grip of Satan the devil, the ultimate terrorist. We live in a world held captive to the mind of the arch deceiver, the father of lies. Every time the gospel message is announced it strikes a blow to the power of Satan in this world.

We have come to Amman, capital of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, to keep God's Feast of Tabernacles. Our theme is Ambassadors for Peace. It is a remarkable event in itself. Our presence honors God and places a marker in time of  God's people living out principles and values of the coming kingdom.


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