Mr. Berlusconi and The Two Souls of Europe

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Mr. Berlusconi and The Two Souls of Europe

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The European Parliament is now under the leadership of the Italian prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, and the next six months will likely see passionate debate as Europe strives to assume a major role in world affairs.

Already political opponents have started an undeclared battle to shape the future of Europe in their own image. This is one of the reasons why a number of French and German politicians do not like the political positions of the Italian government and Prime Minister Berlusconi. To some, Italy seems to be anti-European and a vassal of the United States.

Why this battle at the European level? The answers lay in fears and decades-old resentments.

The European Union is showing more and more openly that it has two different souls, one fighting against the other. The first of these could be described as wanting to build economic and political unity in a peaceful way. This would prevent the internal wars of the past.

The main purpose for this peaceful approach would be to strengthen, affirm and protect Western civilization, in full alliance with the United States of America—the nation that, despite its many defects, has given Western Europe perhaps one of its longest periods of peace.

In contrast, the second European soul wants to be rid of or to counterbalance America's economic, political and military power.

For Mr. Berlusconi, the European Union has the right to affirm its full sovereignty and its role in the world, as well as to determine its own future. But what kind of role and future? This is the core of the dispute.

Will the European Union build its own future in full alliance with the United States, working together in stopping wars and threats around the globe? Or should it surrender to its ambition of becoming a superpower in competition against the United States? Mr. Berlusconi's administration opposes this second approach, not only because it would neither be good nor right, but because he does not want history to repeat itself.

A Europe in competition with the United States could weaken or even collapse not only Italy and Germany, like 60 years ago, but also the entire European continent along with the United States—to the advantage of the Eastern nations that have never stopped arming themselves to the teeth with nuclear weapons.

History teaches precious lessons, so it would be a serious mistake to ignore it. History shows that friendship, consensus, respect and mutual support between nations can only produce material and spiritual wealth. This is one of the reasons that Mr. Berlusconi's government will try to modify the draft of the new European Constitution—to protect the political and spiritual common roots of the Western world, including, indirectly, the United States.

What will the future role of Europe be in world affairs? Much may depend on what Mr. Berlusconi will be allowed to accomplish during his six months of European leadership. While he is only a man with his own weaknesses and strengths, he also seems to understand, appreciate and fight in defense of such high moral values.

He has been accused of illegal financial transactions, though no illegality has been proven. Mr. Berlusconi defends himself by saying that his political opponents, both at the Italian and European level, attack him continually merely because of his personal friendship with Mr. Bush and his alliance with the United States.

Today many Europeans are of the postwar generation. They do not realize the fact that in Italy and Germany, or in other nations that had been occupied by the Nazis and fascists, life was a nightmare.

The quality of any nation stands in its ability to respect and allow religious freedom to all its residents. Yet, some even refuse to acknowledge the fact that much of the religious freedom they now enjoy was made possible only by the intervention of the United States. This is not right, according to Mr. Berlusconi, and we should never forget that fact.

Today it is difficult to discern which of the two souls of Europe will prevail. It is easy to see that Mr. Berlusconi is a near-solitary voice in his noble effort to support the United States. We can foresee also that if or when the second soul prevails, the geopolitical map of the world will change as the European Union will be in the position of holding a world-leading role with major prophetic implications, as shown in the biblical book of Revelation.

Where does all this put those of us who want to live consistent with Christian principles? We need to pray for all political leaders regardless of their ideology so that they may make the right decisions in promoting justice, peace and well-being for all people on earth (1 Timothy 2:1-2). Although this may sound naive and unworkable, such an approach is the only path that can lead all people to a universal peace.

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