No Politics After 6PM

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No Politics After 6PM

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Scott Brown, Massachusetts’ newly elected Senator, is being compared in many ways to ronald Reagan. There may be similarities in style and substance. time will tell whether Brown’s star is constant or a mere flash in the political heavens.

I did see one comment from Senator Brown that linked him to Reagan’s style. It he holds on to this one he might be the real thing. In a post election interview Brown called himself a pragmatist who new how to draw the lines between politics and good relations with people. “After 6:00 PM, he said, we should all be able to talk and get along and put politics aside to foster good personal relationships”

It was classic Ronald Reagan. Reagan had political differences with Speaker of the House Tip O’Neil. O’Neill called Reagan the most ignorant man who had ever occupied the White House. O’Neill also said that Reagan was “Herbert Hoover with a smile” and “a cheerleader for selfishness” and “an amiable dunce.” Privately, O’Neill and Reagan were always on cordial terms, or as Reagan himself put it in his memoirs, they were friends “after 6PM.” It was said the two could enjoy a drink and tell Irish jokes. Reagan was realistic about what he would ultimately get on any of his initiatives. He understand the nature of politics that he would never get all he put on the table. History and human nature taught otherwise. He had the ability to stay true to his core principles while still maneuvering with others who saw things differently but who he respected as fellow travelers.

Good personal relationships. Working through sincere differences of opinion. This is what life is all about. If you and I can master the art of getting along we can go a long way toward peace and harmony.

The key is to show respect for those with whom you differ. Look on them as human beings created in the image of God. Seek to understand their motivations. Appreciate their sincerity. Find something you can admire and don’t lose sight of it. What could you discuss with them over a drink after hours? Put yourself through this exercise and you will keep yourself from the extremes that often find ourselves in the middle of unresolved conflict.

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