Preparing for God's Passover and Unleavened Bread Holy Days - Tuesday

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Preparing for God's Passover and Unleavened Bread Holy Days - Tuesday

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This is a typical busy day for me, and not because it is time to prepare for the spring holy days. Everyone in my household was asleep by 11 p.m., except me. I kept thinking that I needed to go ahead and get 'just one more thing' done. Before I knew it, it was 2 a.m. The recent time change does not help! Then I said a little prayer and went to sleep.

I woke up and said a very little prayer and quickly got dressed and drove everyone around to the places they needed to go. That took an hour and a half. After I drop off my passengers, I usually have time to pray while I am driving! Sometimes, I get some of my best prayers in while I am driving. You don't ALWAYS have to be on your knees to talk to God and you don't ALWAYS have to have your eyes shut, although that is preferable. I am reminded of Hannah when Eli saw her praying in the temple and thought she was drunk in 1 Samuel 1:12-15. God can always hear us.

I have thirty minutes to write this blog. Then at 10 a.m., my father calls me and we read the UCG Bible lessons outloud for thirty minutes to an hour. After that, my three grandchildren come over and play for about six hours. I feed them two or three times. In between, I let the dog out every couple of hours. And then I am the taxi driver again for another hour and a half.

I fix supper, relax a little, clean some more, and the day has flown by. I know that I am not unique in this busy whirlwind of life right now. EVERYONE seems to be in the same boat.  We live in a time prophesied in the Bible when this world would be moving at a faster pace. So what are we to do to prepare spiritually for these important spring holy days, and for that matter, for our daily preparation to be in God's Kingdom.

No matter how busy we are with 'things', God still comes first. Whenever I take time to pray, it is like a cool drink of water on a very hot day. Bible study and assembling with others of like mind, is like an energy boost that is greatly missed if skipped over, for some reason, such as illness. Fasting really does draw us closer to God. And we can truly 'walk with God' all day long, as we go about our tasks, as God instructed Moses to teach the Israelites.

So, I am thinking these thoughts as I prepare for the upcoming holy days. I would enjoy seeing your tips on what can be done to better prepare ourselves each year at this time. I hope all of you have a great week!