Protection for British Consumers or Thin Edge of the Wedge?

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Protection for British Consumers or Thin Edge of the Wedge?

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In the hands of clever prosecutors or corrupt officials such laws have the unintended potential of subjecting honest people to judicial harassment. Here is an example!

On May 26, 2008, the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations (CPR) came into effect in the United Kingdom and all member states of the European Union. According to an article in the May 23, 2008 edition of The Times (London): "Anyone offering a service must not engage in unfair commercial practice, misleading statement or omission or aggressive sales practice. This would criminalise practices such as 'closing down' sales that aren't, limited time offers that then last longer and false testimonials left on websites."

These regulations will affect all promotions and sale of goods or services. Although they are designed to protect consumers from unfair or inaccurate advertising, they may also affect other aspects of life—any promotion that authorities judge can not be proven to be true.

People whose activities are 'faith-based', such as faith healers and spiritualists, are realising that they may be forced to describe their activities as "entertainment" to avoid prosecution. Why? Because such practitioners cannot guarantee the outcome of their service. They would be penalised because of unsubstantiated claims or misleading advertising.

Notice the reaction of some members of the public who read The Times newspaper report:

  • "Can we take this one small step further and apply it to religion as well?"
  • "Maybe there should be similar disclaimers outside churches or mosques. Then they can tell customers that what they offer is 'for entertainment only' and not 'experimentally proven'. What's the difference? Fortune telling, soothsaying, whatever is as old as the hills. We'll have witch burnings next."
  • "But the main business of religions is the unproven prediction of life after death. This is essentially a denial of freedom of belief which I think even those wanting a secular society do not advocate. If there is equality under the law then this disclaimer MUST apply to the sale of every Bible."

Many more comments like these have been published. The hostility is directed towards what are considered unprovable religious concepts and beliefs.

Under such scrutiny it may often be necessary for Christians to be able to defend the foundations of our beliefs. Those around us may not accept our confidence in God as our Creator or in the teachings He reveals in his Word.

How would you prove the existence of God and His inspiration of the Bible? Can you effectively refute the assertion of Karl Marx that God and the Bible are simply part of a religion that acts as an opiate for the people?

The writer of the book of Hebrews states with confidence: "Without faith it is impossible to please God, for he that comes to God must believe that He is [that He exists] and that He is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him" (Hebrews 11:6).

Many whose minds are closed to biblical teachings are hostile toward those who follow God. Even Jesus was subjected to the misuse of law by those who framed and convicted Him of treason even though He was guiltless.

We committed Christians need to examine the evidence and prove to ourselves that Jesus Christ was raised from the dead and lives today. If He was not resurrected we have no hope! (1 Corinthians 15:12-19).

Jesus promised that after the resurrection He would live within every repentant Christian (John 14:23-24, Galatians 2:20). In a few days many Christians will be celebrating the day that recognises the beginning of the indwelling of Christ in our minds—the Feast of Firstfruits, or Day of Pentecost.

It is important to know that the foundation of our faith is sure and absolute, not based on clever religious marketing. And that the future God promises us is as sure as the rising of the sun!

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