Sizing up the Greatest Catastrophe in Human History

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Sizing up the Greatest Catastrophe in Human History

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Sizing up the Greatest Catastrophe in Human History

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To some, a number—100 million people dead—represents only a high abstraction. But to others, the same sterile figure reflects a ghastly story of horror, brutal death, vicious torture and other inhuman acts. It's a factual number calculated of the deaths savaged on innocents across the globe since 1917—all the bloody outcome of a godless exercise. As a Wall Street Journal opinion piece put it, this godless enterprise would “inflict a near-fatal wound on Western civilization.”

The same WSJ opinion piece (100 Years of Communism—and 100 Million Dead), authored by Russian expert and former Moscow correspondent David Sutter, rightly declared the overall outcome of the Bolshevik Revolution to be the “greatest catastrophe in human history.” It’s difficult to contemplate. Ironically, one of the most evil men to ever draw breath summed up the world’s general reaction to date. Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (you know him today under his assumed name of Joseph Stalin—a Russian name for "steel"), stated as a young Soviet commissar of munitions: “If only one man dies of hunger, that is a tragedy. If millions die, that’s only statistics.”

My family personally felt the brunt of those cold, chilling words. As I wrote in the Beyond Today cover article “The Failed Revolution,” my Ukrainian parents, together with my aunts, uncles, nieces, and nephews all suffered horribly in the 1933 “Holodomor,” the deadly artificial famine created by Stalin. More than 11 million died in that holocaust. To me, that’s no statistic. That’s horror writ indescribably large.

That era underscores the continuing savage travesty of the 1917 Russian Revolution. As Sutter writes, the “real goal was spiritual . . . For the first time, a state was created that was based explicitly on atheism and claimed infallibility.” The result? The godless uprising “hollowed out society’s moral code . . . In the West, communism inverted society’s understanding of the source of its values.”

"Cast adrift with only a sputtering beacon of broken semi-justice as a guide, much of global society sailed right into communism’s intellectual and spiritual trap. One of the enduring hurts from this spiritual rape was the collective searing of human conscience. If there is no fear of God, no spiritual guide, no biblical restraint, people can be convinced that any measure is permissive to achieve the goals of a godless socialist state. As Lenin’s Secret Police launched a full-scale class war in Russia, “Such convictions set the stage for decades of murder on an industrial scale,” writes Sutter.

An ancient source of truth, the Holy Bible, speaks of this condition. The apostle Paul warned his protégé Timothy that there would be people “speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron” (1 Timothy 4:2). When people reach this terrible state, they no longer can perceive the horror that they espouse. Good becomes evil, and evil becomes good.

Thankfully, in direct contrast to the teachings of communism, a God does exist who is very much aware of what has transpired and what will transpire. Casting aside the foolhardy rubbish served up as knowledge in this world, this loving God will have His fill of human butchery masquerading as intellectual justice. This God will intervene and intervene mightily in the affairs of humanity.

This intervention will directly affect you. Unfortunately, the Bible clearly explains how humanity will foster yet another global catastrophe before God intervenes once and for all. To learn more about this serious development, I invite you to read two critical study guides that we offer free of charge: Does God Exist? and Are We Living in the Time of the End? You can download them instantly or request free printed copies.

Don’t fall into the continued trap of godless life. Find out today who and what God is, and what He has in store for you!

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  • LakeConroePenny

    What about the millions of abortions? They are just a statistic to some, too!
    Satan is laughing his head off over all the things he has made people do by their ignoring the Words of The Bible. How many are going to church on Sunday, instead of celebrating the true Saturday Sabbath? How many don't keep the Feasts? How many consistently disobey the Commandments? Many will arrive in Heaven, but some will be asked to leave!

  • twocents

    I recently conversed with a woman who grew up as a child in Belarossa during which time first the German army and then the Russian army swept through their village with unimaginable slaughter and terror among its inhabitants. Today there is nothing left of that village except a memorial to what occurred there.
    Even the slaughter of 100 million precious human beings by warfare over the past 100 years pales into insignificance compared with the slaughter of hundreds and hundreds of millions of the most innocent of human beings in the wombs of their mothers in less than half that number of years.
    Surely the second resurrection (Revelation 20:5) and the period of the great white throne judgement will be a period that could be called, among other things, the time of great forgiving, when all will be judged in part on their willingness to ask and to give forgiveness from the heart in order to enter into the eternal family and kingdom of God, wherein all the guilty and all the victims will live in unending joy and true heartfelt love for one another.
    Only the mind of the true God could conceive of this wonderful plan that He has for everyone who submits to Him and His ways.

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