Spiritual Blessings

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Spiritual Blessings

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This is a short week as we run up to Thanksgiving. I have said before that this is my favorite holiday and a wonderful time of year. While thinking about the wonder of Thanksgiving and the great bounty of  this land. But  a  true Thanksgiving is about more than physical abundance. It is about spiritual abundance. It is about the true spiritual blessings found in Christ and His role to bring many sons to glory.

I was reading about this in the first chapter of Ephesians where Paul says, "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love,"  Our major blessings are spiritual in nature. When we focus there then we can properly handle the physical blessings or lack of them.

Think about your health. Think about the people in your life. Look at the things you have that your money cannot purchase. No credit card can buy the love of another human in your life. Nor can you put a price on the attention and concern you show to someone who needs that attention from you.

Our world needs more who can truly appreciate the deeper spiritual truths of life and who will fight against the trends and pulls of society that tend to rip these from our bosom. Resolve this year to be among those who can truly count their blessings at the end of the day and find the true wealth to be the spiritual knowledge of God and Jesus Christ His son.

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