Stepping Toward Your Fears
Stepping Toward Your Fears
“Jesus therefore, knowing all things that would come upon Him, went forward and said to them, “Whom are you seeking?” (John 18:4).
It is one thing to be startled by the appearance of soldiers. It is altogether different to know why they appear and to move in their direction. Christ fully understood the danger of the moment. He moved toward the moment. No more talk. No more preparation for what was to come. An eternity of preparation had been realized.
As disciples we should step toward whatever challenges our life.
We are conditioned to avoid conflict and danger. We have emergency responders who confront fire, accident and injury. We stay behind the yellow ribbons and peer to see what happened.
A young teen is sexually assaulted and no one calls 911.
We minimize risk and insure against loss. Yet life comes down to some events we cannot avoid. Call it a “moment of truth.” Stepping forward to embrace our moment will come to all of us. Will we have enough courage?
Christ’s step toward the soldiers who had come to the garden to arrest Him demonstrated courage. It may have been the one action He needed to set His resolve to finish what had been planned before the foundation of the world. The course was now set for the final act to provide salvation for mankind.
As disciples we should step toward whatever challenges our life. Resolve to face fear. It is the only way to find the courage to deal with the daily challenges.