Stop Using Crass Language

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Stop Using Crass Language

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Stop Using Crass Language

MP3 Audio (1.61 MB)

A recent meme I have seen posted more than once lists four things highly intelligent people do. One of the four is they use foul language. This claim was shared, commented on and taken as truth even though no study or empirical evidence was given.

When I was a child, the use of curses and swear words was seen as a lack of education, and rightly so. Most of us were told that a person who resorts to swearing does not have the vocabulary to speak their mind—so they resort to “shock” speech.

It has become so commonplace in today’s world that people are no longer shocked by it—but to state that it shows a higher intelligence is an unbelievable turn from former ways of looking at it. Will young people who see this meme think like Eve that it is something to make you wise? Or at least to appear wise? The deceiver does not have to change his tactics; we still fall for the old ones.

I was taught such language was crass. The definition of crass is "without refinement, delicacy, or sensitivity; gross; obtuse; stupid" ( Anything that flies in the face of common decency and the tenets of God’s Word becomes the opposite of intelligence. A vast majority of swear words—even some where it is not immediately obvious—use various forms of the name of our Lord in a disrespectful manner. 

"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter" (Isaiah 5:20).

Our society is becoming more crass and less concerned with refinement. Set your heart to avoid falling into this pit and be the light this world needs so badly.

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  • Gene and Lucretia

    As I was growing up there was no one allowed to be in our home that spoke crass language around us. My dad was an alcoholic and did not speak that way around his children. I will always remember him asking people in our home not to use those words. I, thankfully, never got into a habit of using them. I am a retired nurse and the longer I worked, even the nurses would use language that was so ugly around me and then they would "apologize" to me for using them. The world is now excepting any from of disgrace in our lives as a norm

  • kathysanny

    Edward -thank you for taking the time to write of your experience. Your dad made sure you knew it was not acceptable to use inappropriate speech, and you honored his wishes. I have a neighbor that uses crass language around me and then will apologize, as the other nurses did around you. I avoid him every way possible without being rude. I wish they would all realize if an apology is necessary, then please don't do it.

  • Jhaskins

    As a child, I had my mouth washed out with soap when used bad words. Which probably stopped with one occurrence. Thence, it hurts my emotional ears to hear or read such garbage. I have noticed, that it is the less intelligent and more slovenly dressed that will use filthy language. The main scriptures that comes to my mind, when hearing bad language are:
    Eph 5:4. (NASB) and there must be no filthiness and silly talk, or coarse jesting, which are not fitting, but rather giving of thanks.
    Colossians 3:8 But now you must put aside all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your mouth.

  • kathysanny

    Jen those verses are perfect. Thank you for your input and showing even more clearly how God views crass speech. Even though coarse speech seems to be more prevalent, I hope most people are still training their children to put away filthy language.

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