The Anglosphere

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The Anglosphere

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I recently wrote a review of Andrew Robert's "The History of the English Speaking Peoples Since 1900". The same issue of WNP included an article on American and British relations, the "special relationship" as it is called. As many of you know it is a common theme of our work.

This article by Christopher Hitchens expands on that theme from his unique secularist viewpoint and is worth the read although it is quite long.Be warned that Hitchens uses some pungent language at one point-a quote from a British leader.

In his own way Hitchens validates the unique role in the modern world of the descendants of the biblical patriarch Joseph. The conclusion of the matter is in God's judgment, something Hitchens fails to acknowledge. Nevertheless his observations adds to the reality of the vital role of these two great nations, one a company of nations and the other the single greatest nation ever.

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