The Battle for the Bible, Part 1: Drawing the Lines of Combat

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The Battle for the Bible, Part 1

Drawing the Lines of Combat

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Here’s a fact we need to consider. Many in our time foolishly reject the most ancient and voluminously preserved manuscripts in human history: the Bible. Given this tragic frame of mind, it should not be surprising that the very Word of God should come under withering attack from time to time. The Bible writers themselves warn of humanity’s foolhardiness when it comes to God’s revealed knowledge. But when these attacks happen, they still can be temporarily jarring in their magnitude.

Such was the case when I was preparing for a recent trip to Hong Kong and the Philippines. Shortly before I left, Newsweek magazine unexpectedly published a catastrophically flawed cover story about the authority and credibility of the Bible. It has since (and rightly) been called “irresponsible” and an “embarrassment” to professional journalism. A number of strong rebuttals have followed.

Given its unsound sensationalism, I certainly don’t recommend the article. It reflects prejudiced thoughts that the Bible calls “empty deceit, according to the tradition of men” (Colossians 2:8). But for those who have unfortunately read it, here are facts that help demonstrate why it is based in folly.

Written in a sarcastic tone that is biased against any inspiration from God, the author mistakenly mocks biblical accounts for no good reason. Often he tries to illogically create illusionary contradictions that don’t exist. Quoting a number of scholars who are openly atheists or convenient agnostics, he works to erroneously portray those thoughts as mainstream majority opinion, which of course it is not.

I invite you to consider this fact: A number of years ago when I travelled to the former Soviet Union, I spoke with some young adults who were members of the Communist Party. I was told that a requirement for joining the Party was to write a paper that discredited the Bible. The candidates were forced to adopt this tragic bias in order to advance. Today when we have journalistic freedom to explore real facts, I am sadly dumbfounded that Newsweek—a magazine that supposedly specializes in upscale, intelligent and impartial journalism—would adopt and proclaim a similar bias.

Among other fallacies, the Newsweek author tries to make the Bible out to be a sloppy and continually modified book by whoever had the authority to copy it throughout the ages. He is wrong.

Here are the facts: The ancient Hebrew text of the Bible was anciently preserved by the Masoretes, a Jewish group of scholars. In the era before printing presses and electronic storage, these and other groups faithfully and painstakingly preserved what we know today as the Old Testament. The careful preventative measures they took to avoid errors are well-known. The scribes were very meticulous as they counted the verses, words, and even the very letters of the individual manuscripts they copied. The “textual transmission” across the ages is unmatched for accuracy and thoroughness.

For the New Testament accounts there exist more than 5,200 manuscripts with an internal consistency of 99.5 percent textual purity. That is amazing! Most ancient classical writers have less than a dozen manuscripts remaining in existence. The next closest to the New Testament is Homer’s Iliad with 643.

The books of the Bible carefully relate a deep story about God and humanity and the purpose of God creating a relationship with us.

It tells a story of separation (where we are today) and redemption (resulting in the gift of eternal life). The epic story has a beginning at creation and a profound ending/continuation of God and man finding and combining their mutual purposes. It’s an incredible and inspiring story. Of course, it’s a story for anyone whose eyes and mind are open.

This Newsweek article has no credible foundation. But it’s well written and even cunningly so. While we can remain confident and faithful, we must take these attacks seriously. This is important, as the Bible warns us: “More than anything you guard, protect your mind” (Proverbs 4:23, Common English Bible, emphasis added throughout).

What does God have to say about His existence and His Word? We can possess full confidence in an invisible Creator who inspired the powerful Word of God! Note the words of the apostle Paul: “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse” (Romans 1:20, New International Version). How is this nature expressed in writing? “The word of God is living and powerful” (Hebrews 4:12). And as Jesus Himself declared: “Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth” (John 17:17).

Is the Bible True?I plan to write further about our bedrock confidence in the Word of God, and how to answer unfounded claims against the Bible. Until then, I invite you to request our free study guide Is the Bible True? This popular publication is free for the asking, and you can also download it instantly at

You can read and study the Bible with confidence. Man occasionally tries to draw the battle lines against the authority of the Bible, but that’s a battle man cannot win.

P.S. It’s exciting to know for certain that we can trust the Word of God! If you’d like a sneak peak about what’s coming, write to me at


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  • jcnewell49
    Thank you for the article and the warning about Newsweek's article. I do understand how these types of article can bring about doubts and questions.
  • Eric V. Snow
    This article in Newsweek that attacks the Bible makes a classic error that most liberals and skeptical leftists make: They assume what they head from their skeptical high school and/or college teachers and professors is true. They don't research these matters seriously on their own to find evidence on the other side despite claiming to be open-minded. They likely never have heard of various basic defenses of the Bible's historical reliability, such as Josh McDowell's "More than a Carpenter" and "Evidence that Demands a Verdict," Lee Strobel's "The Case for Christ," J.P. Moreland, "Scaling the Secular City," and F.F. Bruce, "The New Testament Documents: Are they Reliable?" Such people, if confronted by kinds of basic arguments made by such authors of Christian apologetics, wouldn't know what hit them. They also assume that the theory of evolution is true despite it's really based on bad philosophical reasoning, not sound scientific evidence. The kind of reasoning found in Henry Morris' "Scientific Creationism" or Philip Johnson's "Darwin on Trial" or Cornelius Hunter's "Darwin's God: Evolution and the Problem of Evil" would be a shock to any honestly open-minded proponent of evolution who takes what he heard in high school or college biology classes for granted. For over 200 years, since the time of Hume and Kant, Western man has increasingly discarded belief in the Christian God as governing his viewpoint on how to examine mankind's position in the universe. The British philosopher David Hume skeptically attacked belief in both miracles and the law of cause and effect, which are foundational to belief in the Bible and scientific reasoning. It's perhaps deeply ironic that as Western intellectuals discarded the Thomistic synthesis of the late medieval era (i.e., putting faith and reason together, from a Catholic theological perspective), they have increasingly discarded reason as well, not just God. Even with the rivers of blood unleashed by Marx's disciples (i.e., godless Communists) in the past century, these people still claim to be more tolerant than Christians. Yet the failure of atheists when they had full power to bring happiness to their countries shows how bankrupt atheism, agnosticism, and skepticism are. As a parting point, consider Newsweek's double standard: Would they dare publish a similar analysis of the Koran (Quran)?
  • Matthew Pesce
    Dear Mr. Kubik, It is a sad fact that most people cannot understand the bible because they try to examine it with the minds of men. As you mentioned in your article, "It’s an incredible and inspiring story. Of course, it’s a story for anyone whose eyes and mind are open." However, that said, we can ALWAYS use the inspired guidance of our Church presenting God's Word in a way that we can maintain our strength and commitment to God. There are always going to be those who try to supplant God's wisdom with the foolishness of men. It is a powerful blessing to be able to see that for what it is, the misguided led by the insufferably ignorant. Thank you for this article. I feel certain that all of us in the Church will appreciate it, and perhaps it will influence some of those searching for the Truth of God.
  • Craig Scott
    I long ago (2002) gave up reading NewsWeek and other such publications. Like many in our age they have whole-heartedly embraced the post modern conclusion that objectivity is not really possible… so they don’t even try anymore. Nor do they believe anyone else can achieve it. The battleground has changed in the past generation. Ridicule is the new weapon of choice. Anger and shouting loudly, are also popular. The days of reasoned debate and discussion appear to be fading away. Large and growing segments of our society have become like Pilate, who when faced with the reality of God in the flesh standing before him, dodged the issue by sarcastically asking “what is truth”. Ironically, such people claim they have reached their conclusions based on logic or reason… but that is another topic.
  • Norbert Z
    Several in depth (point vs. counterpoint) rebuttals which expose that Newsweek article as unfounded claims are available in the blogosphere. Unfortunately not very many major media outlets have decided to make those counterpoints a story of public interest.
  • Mavis Stucci
    Last century, in the mid-60's, my anthropology professor denounced the few of us in class who 'still believe in God'. I wish I knew then what I know now, in order to answer him. Things are heading toward destroying the Bible by disinformation rather than book burning; both methods are hysterical reactions based on fear of the unknown. Thank you for standing for the Truth. Few non-believers will be convinced but it will help others to 'give an answer' if they need to (though, sometimes, discussing God with atheists is like discussing planetary orbits with Flat Earth proponents).
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