The Battle for the Bible, Part 2: Scaling the Mountain of Ignorance

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The Battle for the Bible, Part 2

Scaling the Mountain of Ignorance

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Last week I discussed what has rightly been described as an “irresponsible” cover article in Newsweek that was published at the end of December. This highly biased travesty of journalism titled “The Bible: So Misunderstood It’s a Sin” was littered with error, assumptive illogical statements, and other outright nonsense. But because it is cleverly written and widely distributed, it needs to be brought to task.

Last week I cited several facts (like the astonishingly accurate means of handing down sacred texts through multiple generations). I noted the marvelous truths about the vitality and outright truthfulness contained in the Bible. God has inspired many to faithfully and carefully preserve His living Word for us today. (If you missed my first column, read it at - Drawing the Lines of Combat.)

It is only through the authority and authentic revelation of the Bible that we can even understand the origin and purpose of this universe. But some scientists, biologists and journalists simply cannot consider the possibility of intelligent design—including the prospect of recognizing a Creator God. Even when confronted with real evidence. Why? Because as Paul confirmed nearly 2,000 years ago, “They did not like to retain God in their knowledge” (Romans 1:28).

But thankfully not all are blind to the power and awe-filled magnitude of God! Many sources do independently confirm what we read in the pages of the Bible.

Ironically, shortly before the Newsweek attack appeared, the Wall Street Journal published a most interesting opinion piece that has since been linked and published across the planet. It is titled “Science Increasingly Makes the Case for God.” It attracted thousands of comments.

Citing statistical facts, author Eric Metaxas demonstrated the incredible odds against any planet, including Earth itself, being capable of supporting life. The fact that Earth sustains life at all is highly improbable—yet it does! This is nothing short of a bona-fide miracle!

But as he writes: “There’s more. The fine-tuning necessary for life to exist on a planet is nothing compared with the fine-tuning required for the universe to exist.” He points out that at the moment of postulated physical creation (the so-called “Big Bang”) if existing electromagnetic force “had been off by the tiniest fraction of the tiniest fraction—by even one part in 100,000,000,000,000,000—then no stars could have ever formed at all.”

Are these numbers astounding? As the Wall Street Journal account continues, “Feel free to gulp.” This kind of order of magnitude should give us all supreme confidence in the power of God and the genuineness of His written Word.

Now here’s more. As the late Robert Jastrow, a renowned physicist and former NASA scientist, once stated: “Astronomical evidence supports the biblical view of the origin of the world.”

For the scientists who don’t want to acknowledge God’s involvement with the physical world, Dr. Jastrow has this to say:

“For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountain of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries” (emphasis added throughout).

Again, as Paul wrote some 2,000 years ago, “Since the creation of the world, God’s invisible qualities…have been clearly seen…so that men are without excuse” (Romans 1:20, New International Version).

The capacity to hold and read the very Word of God is a priceless privilege.

The Bible gives us the ability to truly scale this “mountain of ignorance.” Several people have even died to defend and preserve it. It alone reveals and profiles both the power of God and the incredible plan God has for you and me. The Word of God tells us that this same magnificent creation groans in anticipation of being “liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God” (Romans 8:21, NIV). Those who have the Spirit of God living within them are indeed the true Christians, the very children of the most high God! (Romans 8:9-11).

But now, as those who would dare foolishly to try and mock God will learn, the times are changing. “In the past, God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent” (Acts 17:30, NIV). The Greek word for “repent” here (transliterated metanoeo) represents a command for a total change in mind and heart, turning away from foolish thoughts and actions that produce sin.

Transforming Your LifeWhat about you and me? Are we ready to scale that mountain of ignorance, to put off old ways, to embrace a total change, and as Paul writes, to “be transformed by the renewing of your mind”? (Romans 12:2).

To that end, I invite you to explore further the important topics contained in one of our popular Bible study aids, called Transforming Your Life. It is gripping and spiritually rich. You can request a free copy, or download them instantly from

Don’t be alarmed or intimidated by baseless and fruitless attacks. Tap the power of God and scale the mountain of ignorance today!

P.S. I am planning one more column in this series, showing how powerfully God answers His critics. If you would like an inside look, please write to me personally at


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  • Craig Scott
    Andrekish, You are very generous to the writers at Newsweek. However, I really want to comment on "what these folks are being taught"… No true follower of Christ should be screaming abuse at the funeral of a homosexual or at the funeral of any other person who has fallen short of the glory of God. Such an approach is probably the result of bad doctrine… perhaps the teaching that the new covenant contains a mandate to force the world to conform to God’s ways (which it does not). Bad doctrine leads to bad actions. Thinking of the above scenario… dig in to the doctrinal teachings on this website on topics such as “day of salvation” and I think you’ll find it eye opening, 100% biblical, and not what you find most places you look. For example to get more in depth info on “day of salvation” enter it as a phrase on the search bar in the top right.
    Excellent article; please keep up the good work.
  • andrekish
    Hello - very interesting article. Having read through the Newsweek article mentioned may I suggest that the article seemed based on the assumptions that many Christians have not read the Bible nor its' history among men. In that regard the author seems to be asking Christians to do so. In saying this I am deliberately ignoring any emotive effects the article contains as this can skew the issue and at times cause unnecessary offense. I have personally attended many different meetings with various Christian groups over many decades and to date none has mentioned the history of the Bible. This however may just be local to the UK. To me this historical knowledge is vital so that Christians do not get railroaded by atheists. When we see and hear TV reports showing Christians screaming abuse at the funerals of homosexuals it makes me wonder what these folks are being taught. It does appear that 'Doing to others what you want them to do to you', as per Christ's instructions to us, may have gone out of the window. Perhaps it is time for us all to go back to the drawing board and re-examine how we treat each other, both Christian and non-Christian. However, based on the latest discoveries of coded information in DNA, etc, it is clearly logic to realise that DNA is coded by an intelligent author. This is what biotechnology in the 21st century is revealing more and more.
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