The Desert Oasis: A Family Kind of Place

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The Desert Oasis

A Family Kind of Place

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There is no goodness about the necessity of death. Its father was deceit, and its mother was sin (Genesis 3). It is called by God our final enemy for good reason (1 Corinthians 15:26). It is the body shutting down gradually, or very quickly—whether at the body, organ, or cellular level. Things physically fail, and this is part of who we are. This is our humanity. Our very existence is a struggle, from conception to birth, all along our journey of time and experiences we call this life.

Humans are also described as earthen vessels (2 Corinthians 4:7). So take away the lid and look deep: Do we carry murky water that we are ashamed of? Do we feel empty? Or do we carry God’s Holy Spirit, the Living Water? If so, is it a small puddle at the bottom, evaporating quickly in the searing heat of a surrounding desert? Or is it bubbling up and flowing freely alongside others who want to share a beautiful oasis with us? (John 7:37-39, Jeremiah 2:13).

We need relationships like we need water. Some of the deepest anguish we can feel is in feeling alone, despite being surrounded by people. Some things felt in our hearts are deeper than human words can describe. It is in those times that the Holy Spirit connection with God communicates for us, through “groanings which cannot be uttered” (Romans 8:26). What we can voice to our Father in Heaven, though, is our need for encouragement and connections with those who are also traveling the road to His Kingdom. He and Jesus Christ understand. Their relationship is the strongest of all. In the final hours before His death, Jesus was separated from the Father. In the moments just before He died, He cried out in agony at being left to bear this great burden in darkness, completely alone (Psalm 22:1; Mark 15: 33-38).

They did this for us, that we should not be alone. When the veil in the temple was torn open at Christ’s death, humanity gained the opportunity for a direct relationship with the Father without having a priest go between. Soon after at the Feast of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit was given to believers as a comfort to them since Christ was no longer physically with them. That same Holy Spirit connects us individually to God, but it also connects believers to one another as family (John 7:39, John 14:26, Acts 2:1-4, Acts 2:38).

Church family should be the oasis that offers refreshment amidst a harsh landscape. If we share in God’s Holy Spirit, we should feel lifted up because that living water is so deep here! We should feel encouraged and inspired to love and obey our Father in Heaven, to keep His commands, and to continually work to imitate Jesus Christ. If that is not the case, recall that Hebrews 10:24 says to “stir up love and good works among you.” We start with Sabbath services together, to worship God and receive instruction. We should also “break bread” with each other--sharing meals together, and sharing our homes. In both places, we can truly open the doors to fellowship and godly conversation that can strengthen and encourage (Acts 2:41-42). These are the times that will build the relationships that will last beyond this physical life and into eternal life.

In Ecclesiastes 12:6-7, King Solomon urges: “Remember your Creator before the silver cord is loosed, or the golden bowl is broken, or the pitcher shattered at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the well. Then the dust will return to the earth as it was, and the spirit will return to God who gave it.” The pitcher at that fountain will be us, sooner or later. After death, we can no longer be filled with God’s Living Water, His Holy Spirit. But now, at this time, we can. Our relationship with God is personal, but He also gave us the desire for human connections which can profoundly affect us and our spiritual health. If we are in a spiritual desert, surrounded by parched landscapes and empty vessels, we need to get up and go, to seek a godly oasis while it may be found! Find a congregation of believers right now, and connect with that well of Living Water.

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