The Feast of Tabernacles, Service and You

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The Feast of Tabernacles, Service and You

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When I was a little kid, I remember dreaming with my childhood friend Sara Jo about what God's Kingdom would be like.

In exhaustive details—down to the color of our walls and the types of trees in our backyard—Sara and I planned our future homes in the Kingdom. We were going to have every animal possible and both mountains and oceans out our back windows.

But I never really thought about what I would actually do in the Kingdom besides have awesome stuff and be able to fly.

For God’s firstfruits—those he is calling now—the Kingdom is a time to serve. We will be kings and priests, serving as our ultimate example Jesus Christ served (Revelation 5:8, Philippians 2:5-8).

The Kingdom won’t be an extended vacation, just like the Feast of Tabernacles isn’t just a vacation. It needs and should be way more than that to us.

We have an opportunity to practice our future role of servant leadership at the Feast. But how can we do that?

1. Volunteer to help

The Feast is quite the event to put together. With nearly 60 United Church of God sites worldwide, there is much to be done at each site.

Sign up for something.

I’ve met and talked to some of the most interesting people at the Feast when I was singing in the festival choir or helping direct traffic, high heels and all. My husband ushers every year and makes new friends each time. There’s the mother’s room, stage crew, sound crew and more.

On top of that, just going out of your way to help someone else is service. When you see someone carrying a heavy load, offer to help carry. Open doors for others. Maybe you have enough second tithe to buy someone else’s meal. Do it, and watch as your Feast experience is elevated.

2. Make time for others

The Feast is like no other time of year. For eight days, we are brought together with brethren from all parts of the world. Once a year we get this opportunity to meet brother and sisters in Christ we have never met before.

Take the time each day to get to know a member of God’s Church that you’ve never met or seen before.

Most people, if not all of them, want to talk to you. They want to know about your experiences. They want to talk about God’s Kingdom, His plan and the Scriptures.

When I was a teenager, I knew what the Feast was. I could recite its meaning to anyone who asked, but I would come to services, hear the message, sit in my seat until it was time to go back to the hotel and then start having some fun.

I missed the best part of it all. I missed the fellowship. I missed my family of God. I missed the point. I didn’t do anything for anyone else. I only served my own desires.

So don’t be afraid or shy. When we enjoy fellowship with one another, we serve each other. It’s just another level of service we can add to our Feast.

3. Pray every day

This one is simple, but can often be neglected.

We can’t get caught up in the physical aspects of serving and neglect our spiritual service, which is paramount. Don’t get so busy that you don’t make time to pray.

Pray every morning. Pray in the evening. Pray with your fellow brethren (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).

If you make it a priority to serve in these three ways this Feast, I promise it will be a great Feast!

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