The Future of the Dollar

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The Future of the Dollar

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I’ve had several posts on the dollar crisis and need to wrap it up at this point of the story.

The G-20 summit has come and gone and publicaly at least there was not much comment on this part of hte present crisis. That does not mean nothing is being discussed or developed. I think those who would desire the demise of the dollar are working hard to bring this to pass.

However, this is just not going to happen in the near term. China and several Arab states hold too many dollar denominated instruments to see this change. They would lose too much. Right now the United States is too big, too rich and too powerful to fail. There is too much at stake on the global scene.

That does not mean things could change–and change quickly. But I don’t see that happening at this time.

Frankly, it won’t happen till the God of heaven wants it to happen. God has blessed America with its wealth, power and resulting prestige. He will move to change that when it fits His timing for His great plan for all the nations–not before.

Until then we have days to live and lives to touch. We have character to develop and mistakes to correct. We have days to love those close to us and, above all, time to discover God and his attention to the details of eternity, history and your life. Make the most of the time.

“Sufficient to the day is the evil thereof”

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