The Power of Spirit

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The Power of Spirit

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It was center stage in the famous victory of the U.S. hockey team over the Soviets in the 1980 Olympics when a group of chutzpa-driven amateur hockey players drawn from universities across America trounced the star team of the Soviet "Evil Empire" as Ronald Reagan called it. It was pure spirit.

Amazingly, this happened when America had been hammered with hostages in Iran, recession with interest rates of nearly 20 percent and unemployment at a post-Depression high. For the United States, the victory was like a breath of fresh air, a light at the end of the tunnel. Some say it began a revival of the American spirit in the 1980s.

The power of spirit never stops surprising the world. Observers of basketball have said the power of the coordinated team spirit, built from the ground up by the coach of the Detroit Pistons, was what beat the star-studded, ego-driven Los Angeles Lakers last month.

What is this power that can stir a young David to kill a giant single-handedly in the spectators' glare of two armies? What kept a George Washington resolute in midwinter, leading the daring but cold and hungry Americans crossing the frozen Delaware, with only retreats and maneuvers behind him, to score the stunning upset over the drunken Hessian soldiers on Christmas morning?

What was it that drove Jesus to perform His marvelous service proving He is the Christ, fasting 40 days and 40 nights, healing thousands, miraculously turning water to wine and feeding thousands more, staying up all night to pray, explaining the Kingdom of God, love, and sublime truths in a Roman world of utter brutality, bigotry and spiritual blackness—truths still not comprehended today?

All these deeds are done with the power of spirit, the power in a human being when thought, feeling, motivation, attitude and action come together to accomplish great things. In the hands of God, humans can attain great feats of spirit, way beyond the comparisons of sport and human bravery.

"'Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,' says the Lord of Hosts" (Zechariah 4:6). God gave this stirring admonition to Judean governor Zerrubabel to strengthen his attitude, conviction, drive and commitment to rebuild the desolate temple in Jerusalem and the restore the city. For us it gives us the message that without spirit, and ultimately the far more powerful Spirit of God, man cannot achieve the spectacular potential we as a race were designed to reach.

How does a man live by the power of spirit, 24/7? Well, that was the great calling and purpose of Jesus Christ to show us by coming among us nearly 2,000 years ago and why God is going to send Him to us again. Man needs to learn to live by spirit—the Spirit of God—as Christ did.

He said that He is the model. "Follow Me," He said. As a whole, the human race has not, and doesn't want to any more than people did when the Bible was written.

Never mind the human race didn't want anything to do with the power of the spirit and killed Jesus Christ. The greatest of all great leaders, He was ahead of His time. Fear of death was no obstacle to Christ, a trait common to some great leaders.

But His time is yet coming when the Kingdom of God will demonstrate the ultimate power of His Spirit.

Our time to learn the power of Spirit is now. For some of us, He is building His team based on that Spirit, the same Spirit of mind, heart and deeds that will transform humanity in the future age when man will be motivated by dynamic Spirit power. It is a Spirit of excellence, knowledge, wisdom, strength, honor, glory and blessing.

How to be given that Spirit is what the Kingdom of God is all about. It's worth seeking. It is the essence of success forever. It contains endless victory. And Jesus opened it up for those who truly obey His command: "Follow me."

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