"Think Dark"

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"Think Dark"

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We are in another round of political haggling over the closure of bases and military installations around the country. A special congressional committee is finishing up recommendations this week and wiil send its final recommendations on to President Bush. He will have until November to accept or reject their findings.

This always becomes a political football as senators and congressmen do not want base closures impacting their states or districts and therefore their voting constituencies.

With billions of dollars of expenditure on the table and changing technology and defense needs, there is no doubt that periodic review of these matters is important. Since 1991 America has been scaling back in its numbers of ships, plans and military bases. How this has impacted the defense posture is something for the experts to debate. However there is always an 'X' factor to consider, the unknown in a very dangerous world. One wonders if the defense experts are able to look beyond the present data to understand the dangers that lurk in the shadows.

Peggy Noonan, who has an uncanny sense about homeland security, has an interesting column today in the Wall Street Journal. She thinks we may need to "think dark" when it comes to national security and the issue of base closures. It is worth the read.

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