Thinking Like Joseph

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Thinking Like Joseph

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In the Biblical story of Joseph we see that God intervened in the history of Egypt to prevent the nation’s collapse during a time of drought and famine. Through the young Joseph God sent the message that there would be seven years of abundance followed by seven years of famine on the most powerful nation of the day.

The story is told in Genesis 41. Here is what is said. “”This is the thing which I have spoken to Pharaoh. God has shown Pharaoh what He is about to do. Indeed seven years of great plenty will come thought all the land of Egypt; but after them seven years of famine will arise, and all the plenty will be forgotten in the land of Egypt; and the famine will deplete the land. So the plenty will not be known in the land because of the famine following, for it will be very severe” (Verses 28-31).

Lately I have been thinking a great deal about this story as the global financial crisis has been unfolding before us. Since last September, and really a year before that, we have seen a massive devaluation of wealth, business failures, financial collapse and rising unemployment. Whenever someone says we have hit the bottom and things should begin to get better, we are hit by another round of news telling us it is not over yet and mattes could get a lot worse. Some voices are even beginning to say that we will not regain the losses in our lifetime. It is a very sobering time.

We have several articles in the February issue of World News and Prophecy dealing with the global recession. By now you’re life is being directly impacted by the effects of this downturn. Mine has. I also know several whose incomes have dropped because their companies have to adapt and restructure to the daily realities of the economy. We are going to be living with the effects of this period for the rest of our lives. It is time that all of us get used to this idea and take the necessary steps to survive these times.

I feel a key to doing this is found in the character of Joseph. Joseph told Pharaoh, “Now therefore, let Pharaoh select a discerning and wise man, and set him over the land of Egypt” (Verse 33). Later, when Pharaoh determined that such a man was Joseph, Pharaoh asked, “Can we find such a one as this, a man in whom is the Spirit of God?…Inasmuch as God has shown you all this, there is no one as discerning and wise as you.” (Verse 38, 39).

As I look around the current crop of world leaders I do not see anyone who meets the description of Joseph. No one. I conclude that the best that you and I can do is make sure we are discerning and wise in how we handle our money, jobs and lives. Though much is out of our control on a national or global scale, there is much that we can control at our level in the manner in which we handle our finances. We have talked about this in previous issues but it bears repeating.

Live within your means. When you understand what is at the heart of our current crisis you see it is because so many people would not live within their income. They were persuaded to live on cheap and easy consumer credit or to take out outlandish mortgages for property they could not really afford to buy and maintain. It was greed, pure and simple. Circumstances are now dictating we live within our income. The party is over.

Just as Joseph put Egypt on a pay as you go economy and lay back for the leans years so should you and I put back some cash. Pay raises are not forthcoming and if our jobs are downsized we are going to need cash to see us through. Reduce expenses and put something back out of each paycheck while you can.

Each of us must learn from the character of Joseph and examine the policies he put in place to administer the economy of Egypt and guide it through a massive downturn. God will bless your efforts to manage your money and your life by His laws and principles of financial management. It was the basis for sound economic policy for Joseph and it is sound household policy for you and I today. God’s financial principles can be understood and applied today. They will be the basis for economic prosperity when He sets His hand to restore all things in the coming Kingdom. Get a head start today and put your life on the sound financial foundation of the world to come.

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