A Good Book

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A Good Book

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The Royal Bank of Canada monthly letter wrote in November of 1958, "Books push out the boundaries of our ignorance factually into the past and speculatively into the future." Human existence can be evaluated through books because they are constant, detailed and readily available. Even though there are errors in perspective and judgment, books are still great blessings. Books tend to shake us up and make us think. We may or may not agree with the author, but new thoughts and challenges do form in our minds. We can revisit a book time and time again.

Books tend to supply us with material for new thought, and they often give us the summation of years of study by another person. There is great value in that. The Bible says two things about books. One is that of the writing of books there is no end (Ecclesiastes 12:12) and secondly that a set of books will be opened and mankind judged by them (Revelation 20:12). This set is the Bible, of course, and there is no greater book on earth. Read a good book and benefit from it, but above all read the Bible—it is the best.

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  • Garry

    So true, books are great.I love to turn that noisy box off and open a book. My wife likes fiction, but I only like to read a book that teaches me something, history, Christianity, some hobby I'm into, different translations of the Bible etc. At the moment I'm reading "The Memoirs Called Gospels," by G.P. Gilmour, an old book I picked up in the Oxfam shop, I can't put it down!

  • Nelson

    The Bible is our board of salvation at all times because it comforts us in difficult times and gives us hope in the good times!

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