Book of Remembrance
It should make us nervous to know that a book of remembrance is being written before our great Creator (Malachi 3:16). That should not be something new, because it is obvious that in the majesty of His mind, God can and does see everything. He knows every thought a person has and everything about us. He is our final judge, and fair judgment requires that everything must be known. That book of remembrance can be happy for all those who meditate on His name and seek Him. We have a tendency to hide like Adam and Eve did, but just as with them, God knows where we are.
There is no escaping His eyes or judgment, but there is a clearly marked path that makes His judgment a joyful one for humans. We are to fear Him and keep His commandments because everything will be brought into judgment, including every secret thing, whether good or evil (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14). It is foolish to deny His existence or right to judge. It is even more foolish to remain in a belief that our deeds do not matter, or that because God is love He will never punish us. The commandments of God are good and just. Refusing to live by them brings pain and suffering in this life and judgment in the book written about each of us. Build a good report.