Broken Spirit

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Broken Spirit

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When we have no will or desire to be interested in anything, or when we feel devastated by some great loss, the pain goes deep. It can feel like it is breaking our “bones” (Proverbs 17:22). There are reasons that a person can descend in a downward spiral until they have lost all hope. Loss of a loved one, financial disaster, great anxieties, smashed plans and dreams, or a childhood that did not teach how to weather storms may be some of the reasons.

We know a merry heart does good, but how do you have a merry heart when you feel all is lost? One help is a good friend who can understand, accept you as you are and stand with you in the time of trouble. A good word spoken at the right time, in the right manner and in sincerity can do much good (Proverbs 12:25). Broken spirits can be mended, but that healing is almost impossible without some help. We are social creatures and we thrive on love and acceptance. Find a good friend and talk with them. 

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  • Robert Berendt

    Thank you for the continued conversations. In UCG, any minister can be reached by his email address. For example I am so when you tune into, you can find various ones. I do not know of a minister who would not respond to your emails. I appreciated the reply of Aaron Booth for the live broadcast in the USA, I live and serve in Canada - and that is a little drive from where you live --- but a spiritual connection travels fast. Hopefully one day we will all meet. God bless.

  • KARS

    Greetings to all in the name of our Savior Yeshua/Jesus. It is wonderful to see how modern technology can bind us together in friendship. I am pleased to here you were able to use the link. Also exchange email information. Have a blest week Suzy, Hope, Lena, and Jet.
    ((((to all)))) Kathy

  • suzyqm

    Good morning Kathy,
    Sadly all the live-streaming congregations from this UCG, are password protected, I tried to send an email requesting how to get a password, I never received an answer. So I've decided to go back to live-streaming with a messianic congregation out of Macon GA.

    God Bless You Kathy, and praying you have a wonderful blessed week!!!

  • Aaron Booth

    Hi - You can easily watch the LIVE webcast from the Cincinnati East, United Church of God congregation. No password is needed for that webcast. Yes, other congregations have a webcast and do require a password. Please go to that congregation's webpage and send a message to the local pastor to request access. In the meantime, you may watch this LIVE webcast every Sabbath at 2:30 PM ET --

  • suzyqm

    Thank-you Aaron! I'll try to send a message to the Pastor out of Jacksonville Florida. Live streaming is better than no fellowship! God Bless You!!!

  • Robert Berendt

    How pleasant to read the kind thoughts in your notes to one another. As a pastor, if people wrote to me in my area, it was often possible to have a few living near enough to meet. With 6 to 8 people I would be happy to visit from time to time. UCG is determined to serve the people our loving Father draws to Him. That is our task in life. Please keep conversing - and you will be surprised at how He responds. We do need one another. God bless. (-:

  • suzyqm

    Good morning Mr. Berendt, As Hope already said we live to far from each other to fellowship together. Maybe you can help me, I know the UCG has live-streaming services, yet they are all password protected. How do we get a password, or do we need to be a member of the church?
    Where I live I don't know of anyone who believes as I do, so for now I live-stream a Messianic congregation out of Macon GA. I work 6 days a week, I have the choice to work Saturday, and attend Sunday worship, or work Sunday, and attend live stream fellowship. My decision is easy: "Obey God's Holy Word" but it does get lonely without fellowship. I do continue to pray for a congregation to come closer to my area, or if God wills, I would move.

    God Bless You Sir, I enjoyed this message and all the Beyond Today Television videos I receive in my email.


  • Hope Hartman

    Good Morning Pastor Berendt,
    Greetings from South East New Mexico, USA. Thanks for your note of encouragements for each of us. Sue and I have exchanged emails and look forward to meeting, we will not be able to study together on a regular basis as we live 125 miles apart.
    Hopefully Abba Father will cross our paths with others and we can form a small group. Nothing is impossible when we put our faith and trust in Yeshua our Lord, HE likes to "surprise" us.
    Shalom and blessings with love of Yeshua to all......Hope

  • suzyqm

    Good morning Hope, I have not forgotten you, it's been busy for me, I have saved your phone number so will surprise you with a phone call one day!!

    Shalom and Blessings to you!!!

  • KARS

    Greetings Hope & Suzy! : ^) Type in the url box Once there click on the tab "Congregation" next to "I'm New". The website program will show you a list of congregations near you.
    Otherwise, if you click on the tab "Webcast" on this same web address ( there is a live webcast every Sabbath/Saturday online at 2:30 pm est. I know of others that use this webcast connection to attend services because there isn't a local congregation or they are shut-ins.
    Have a blest Thursday Hope and Suzy. ((((Hope and Suzy))))

  • suzyqm

    Good morning Kathy, all the congregation are password protected. I found a congregation in Florida, couldn't get into the live service but was able to watch some videos from that service. Really liked the pastor, and other teachers. When I tried to email them asking how can I get a password? I didn't receive an answer.

    Have a blessed Sabbath HUGS!!!!

  • Aaron Booth

    Keep trying and emailing the pastor. Don't give up. He should respond if the message got to his inbox.

  • suzyqm

    I will try again Aaron! Thank-you!

  • Jet5099

    Hi susyqm .. was wondering which Florida congregation you were trying to reach for a password. I'm in Tallahassee Florida and I think I can help you with that. If your still interested please let me know. I will see what I can do,

  • suzyqm

    Hi Jet, Thank-you so very much for your offer of help. The congregation I was trying to live stream with is out of Jacksonville Florida, I listened to some of the Pastor's sermons and I really like him, so tried to live stream with them but wasn't able to.

    Does your church live stream I didn't see them listed.

  • Jet5099

    No I'm sorry we are very small group here but we meet weekly at Days Inn at 2:30 pm. If your in the area and would like to visit us we would love to have you! Mr. Shabee live streams from Orlando every week and has a rather large circuit of churches he pastors so he may still be trying to catch up on his emails.
    Don't give up and keep trying he will answer soon.
    All my best

  • suzyqm

    Hello Jet, I did get a response from Pastor Rick Shabi, out of Jacksonville, I have the site to live-stream with him at the Orlando congregation. So excited to be a part of a Believing congregation.

    If you're able to get me the link and password from your congregation I would love to visit, God will lead me which congregation I will become a part of. I'm slow in responding lost this link......Have a blessed Sabbath!

  • suzyqm

    Good morning Kathy, Thank-you , I tried logging into a congregation out of Florida, but it was password protected, didn't get a reply when I emailed them asking how to get a password. I'll try your idea. Have a blessed day and ((((((Kathy))))))

  • Hope Hartman

    Good Morning Kathy,
    Thanks for the info. The closest congregation near me is in Lubbock, TX, a little less than a two hour drive, not close enough to attend on a regular basis. Will check out the webcast . If Suzy and I live close enough maybe we can watch it together occasionally...
    Blessings with love to all......Hope

  • Robert Berendt

    Greetings Hope. You sound like quite a remarkable person. All who wish to obey God fully with regards to the Sabbath as well as His holy days do feel out of place in other groups. I am not sure where you live, but the United Church of God does have church meeting groups all over the USA and it is possible one is near you. We do need one another as part of the sign of God's people is a fervent love as well as not forsaking assemblies. If I can be of further help, please email me - or email the home office of UCG in Cincinnati. I am sure you will find you are not alone. warm regards. Robert Berendt

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