Cricket Music and Misunderstandings

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Cricket Music and Misunderstandings

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Harry and Sally sat on their back porch enjoying the summer breeze. Harry was listening to the sound of crickets and commented on how crickets sure can sing. Sally agreed, but her mind was concentrating on the choir singing at a nearby church service.

“Beautiful music isn’t it?” Sally asked.

“Yes,” Harry responded, “And to think they make that sound by rubbing their legs together.”

Misunderstandings, whether as simple as the one between Harry and Sally or more complex, can cause serious conflicts and hurt feelings.

When a person is talking, many times we’re thinking about what we want to say instead of listening. Next time you’re in conflict with someone, instead of thinking about what you want to say, first concentrate on what the other person is saying. Try to understand his or her viewpoint before telling your own.

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