Give It Away
We sometimes think that if we were rich, we, too, could afford to be generous. Generosity is a frame of mind and a point of character that we all need. Being rich is not a prerequisite to being generous. Learning to give and care for people is a habit we all need to develop.
What can we give in abundance when we have no money? The most valuable things of all come from a well that has no limit and never runs dry. Those things include courtesy, kindness, counsel, respect and love. These things cost us nothing.
When we are generous with these gifts that cost us nothing, the rewards are greatest. Luke 6:38 explains that when we give, we will receive in great abundance. We do not give in order to receive, but that is God’s reward. Proverbs 28:27 carries a promise from God that the giver will not lack. Be a wise and cheerful giver.