Giving to Get?

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Giving to Get?

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The card game of bridge is interesting, in that in order to gain a maximum number of card tricks, a player often needs to lose a few. There is a good principle that “giving to get” teaches us.

In life, there is an unseen good thing that happens when we are givers. That is why the Bible tells us it is more blessed to give than to get (Acts 20:35). When we understand that principle, it becomes clear that the giver receives much more than he loses.

God tells us that in order to receive eternal life, we must first give up this life (Matthew 10:39). That does not mean suicide; it means conforming our lives to the laws and dictates of Almighty God. In giving, we receive.

Unlike bridge, however, our primary reason for giving should not be a desire to get. Instead, we should want to give for the sake of giving—for the sake of living as God commanded.

Give it some thought, and become a giver in the true sense of the word.

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