Happiness Is Being a Grandparent

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Happiness Is Being a Grandparent

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Grandparents know that there is something special that cannot be expressed in words about carrying the title "Grandparent." There is a love, bond and connection that is not only physical, but that carries an extra dimension that, while we may not understand, is real. That is why seeing our grandchildren is a blessing from God (Psalm 128:5-6).

Grandparenting carries with it some responsibility. In today’s "nuclear families," this treasure can seem lost, as there is often a geographical distance between grandparents and grandchildren. In whatever way possible, though, grandparents can set an example and can be involved in the education and development of the young. Grandparents do need to be careful not to overstep their role, but finding a way to be a good influence is always welcomed.

"Children's children are the crown of old men" (Proverbs 17:6). Be sure you cherish that crown.

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