He Who Dies With All the Marbles - Still Dies!
Somehow these lessons carry on into our life. We want to get great wealth, build bigger edifices and stockpile more gold than anyone else. Funny thing about marbles is if you do have all of them there is nobody to play with because nobody has any marbles. In life we know we "can't take it with us" when we die.
The Bible gives the totally accurate picture of the dilemma of one who wanted to build bigger barns, but that night his life was required of him (Luke 12:16-21). All that he gained now belonged to someone else. It is foolish to lay up treasure on earth and neglect the most important need, which is to be rich toward God. The Bible gives clear instruction that we must save, even for our grandchildren (Proverbs 13:22). But a clear perspective of priorities must be in place so God comes first.