Holding the Helm

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Holding the Helm

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Have you ever had a chance to "hold the helm," perhaps on a sailboat? As long as the sea is calm and things are moving slowly, we would not have a problem taking control. It is a different story in stormy seas or in difficult situations. That is when you want an experienced hand on the helm.

When trouble comes, our experience and the character we have developed are measured. Life gives us many opportunities to learn how to navigate troubled waters. Wisdom teaches us not to reach beyond what we are able to control. Little by little, under the guidance of a truly experienced teacher, we can learn to be proficient at controlling the helm of a vessel or vehicle.

Study the wise counsel of the Bible. Listen to wise people as you put your hand on the steering wheel (Proverbs 1:5). These people, who might have experienced the same trials, can give advice as to what decision or reaction would best fit the circumstance.

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