Honor Comes Before Humility

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Honor Comes Before Humility

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In the dictionary, we know that the word honor comes before the word humility, but in real life, it is exactly the other way around. Humility comes before honor. These are the words of Proverbs 15:33 and knowing this is a point of wisdom. When a person is humble, he or she is ready to listen, observant of everything, learning and showing respect for other people. With all of that going for a person, he or she is on the path to success and respect from others.

People who lack humility are not people we enjoy being with. They have an overinflated opinion of themselves and that usually is enough for most others to walk away. Honor, on the other hand, is freely given to one who has gained wisdom, respected others and learned to make wise decisions.

It is good for us as humans to stand back and really look at our tiny and insignificant place in the Milky Way (let alone the universe) and remember how weak and helpless we are compared to that huge power and might. We should contemplate the heavens and then realize the majesty of the One who made all of that (Deuteronomy 4:19). When we are humble, our minds are receptive to greater things.

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