Inflexible Principles

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Inflexible Principles

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Not all principles carry the same weight of importance, but there are some with which there can be no compromise. The great laws God has given are in the category of important principles. Jesus Christ explained that those who seek to be in the Kingdom of Heaven must hearken even to the "least" of the commandments of God. The penalty of sin is death (Romans 6:23). On that God is inflexible and must be. His laws are eternal and make up the only way for us to live.

Some would like to think that there are no absolutes about us. They may cite the examples of God's great mercy when a person sinned. But that mercy does not extend to eternal life. It is only when a person has repented of their sins and accepted the blood of Jesus Christ that His mercy leads to eternal life. The laws or principles of God never change. They are inflexible. The Bible defines sin. The penalty is death. Christ is the Savior of all who repent and become baptized.

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