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All of us have had mothers and fathers who have sacrificed in order to give us a better life than they have had. Many crossed the seas in ships to start a life in a new land. It was a hard task, but it was done with pride and joy because it afforded a better future for their children. Paul wrote about a generation who would be ungrateful and unthankful (2 Timothy 3:2). They would be lovers of their own selves—thinking the world owed them a living.

Paul noted how great a blessing the followers of Jesus Christ were given when the Church was started after Jesus’ resurrection. He said the elect of God were to put on tender mercies, kindness, longsuffering and humility. Above all these things, he said we needed to be thankful to God (Colossians 3:12-15). There is no room for ingratitude when we contemplate the wonderful gifts God has given to mankind. Sadly enough, that appreciation is lacking in this world. Having it would lead us to careful obedience to His word—to live by every word He utters. True thankfulness grants us a life that is warm, loving and filled with hope. Be thankful. 

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