Just a Minute

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Just a Minute

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Ever hear that expression? Ever use it yourself? I have—often. Sixty seconds seems like a very short period of time, and yet in that short span of time so much can happen. You can kiss your wife or husband hello or good-bye, open a door for a stranger, check a second time for oncoming traffic or count to 10 to keep from losing your temper. A lot can happen in a minute.

It is up to us to use time wisely. Often we think in terms of long spans of time—but it is wise to realize that all time is made up of minutes. These tiny increments soon add up to an hour. Once we lose a minute, it is gone forever. We have often yearned for "just a few minutes more."

A minute is a tiny little thing—but it is what forever is made of. It took about a minute to read this note—we hope it will make your other minutes more meaningful.

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