Mere Coincidence?

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Mere Coincidence?

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The timing of some things that happen to us in life gives us reason to wonder if they truly were mere coincidences. Coincidences seem to go both ways in life—good and bad. God promises to care for us every day of our lives so that our feet will not slip (Psalm 94:18). That does not mean He blesses carelessness, but it does mean He is always aware of our situation.

Often a coincidence in our lives is a small miracle in which God chooses to remain anonymous. A believer will often thank God for these small miracles. Even a nonbeliever sometimes utters that phrase. God does not wave a flag to let us know He has intervened in our lives, but we know that time and chance can take some most unusual twists and turns. Being thankful to Him for little miracles is never wrong. Don’t think everything is just a mere coincidence.

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