Nobody Cares

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Nobody Cares

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When a person allows that sort of thinking to dominate, they will do things that are an attempt to get people to notice. People do that to the hurt of the self. The odd thing is that people need people and there are others who are also looking for someone to like them. When we show that we care about other people in a healthy and positive way, they will be happy we are near. It is only when our actions are not uplifting or helpful that people turn away.

We ought to show ourselves friendly (Proverbs 18:24). We need to do things for others without expecting appreciation and thanks (Luke 6:35). Amazing things happen because we are doing thing God's way. That brings Him pleasure, and He will reward us. Blessings of all sorts abound if we look for them. As an additional blessing, you will like yourself—and soon you will notice that others like you too.

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