O Be Careful Little Eyes

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O Be Careful Little Eyes

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The old children’s hymn, “O Be Careful Little Eyes,” admonishes children about what they look at. Are there things that we adults should be careful of seeing? The truth is, our daily lives expose us to many things we should avoid looking at. Perhaps one of the most obvious is the blight of pornography. But, when we carefully evaluate their content, there are a whole host of magazines, television programs and movies we should also avoid viewing.

What we view on a regular basis affects our thinking and our emotions. Unchecked it can lead to sin. We live in a world filled with spiritual darkness. Jesus Christ tells us, “The lamp of the body is the eye… Therefore take heed that the light which is in you is not darkness” (Luke 11:34-35). Keep light in your mind by viewing those things that are true, noble, just, pure and lovely and avoid the darkness.

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  • macnana
    i try as much as possible to be like Job as He Said in his book at Job 31:1 "A covenant I have concluded with my eyes. So how could I show myself attentive to a virgin" This really has helped me to keep my virginity And am not ashamed of it I love Jehovah God and do as much as possible to heed to his commandment Am not perfect but i try as much as possible to control my feeling
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