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Wisdom ought to lead us to keep our priorities straight. The first items we need to pay attention to and get in order is our work outside the house—like the farmer's field, the workers' job and income. Once that is firmly in place and in order, then we are in a better position to look into building a house. That is the sort of wisdom that prevents the economic collapses we see in the world about us. It is the wisdom of God (Proverbs 24:27).

We are often driven by the opinions of others. We try to "keep up with the Jones'" as the old saying goes, and if the Jones family falls into the ditch, we are sure to follow. The better way by far is to realize that our circumstances in life are unique to us and real to us. They ought to be the guide by which we make decisions. Our priorities are singularly ours. Follow them wisely to success.

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