Staying Safe

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Staying Safe

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It was also said that ships were not built to remain in the harbor. Parents and adults work hard to help children prepare for life. They want children to be bold and courageous and wise and responsible. Life is full of many dangers, but the greatest joy often lies on the other side of the danger. Jesus encouraged people to “count the cost” of any project to be sure they can be successful (Luke 14:28-31). God did not expect or want His people to stay in a safe harbor. He wants them to learn, think, prepare, use wisdom and then act boldly.

The life of a follower of Jesus Christ is not a life of ease and safety. Jesus went on to state that we are to be ready to forsake all we have to follow Christ (Luke 14:33). It is not that God wants His people to give everything away and be in poverty, but that He expects the kind of courage and devotion that would put Him above all we have. We face a great enemy in Satan, and we often face opposition from within our own families (Matthew 10:36). True safety for a child of God is not being hidden in some safe harbor—it is in preparing for life and then sailing forth into its stormy seas filled with faith in our Savior and armed with His armor (Ephesians 6:10-17). We were not built to stay in a port. 

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