Stop Yelling

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Stop Yelling

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It seems we humans show interest when we need to strain to hear something. That is the secret to gossip and causing problems. “A whisperer separates the best of friends” (Proverbs 16:28). The reason is that we tend to listen to soft words and turn away from being yelled at.

But the Bible also tells us that speaking softly and gently has good results. "A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger" (Proverbs 15:1). Soft words carry with them respect and consideration for the hearer. We feel respected when people are not yelling at us. We actually want to hear when the voice is soft in our ear. We say, “Pardon me, what did you say?” when the words are too soft, but never when they are harsh and loud. Speak loudly enough to be heard, and know the circumstance in which you speak.

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  • Janet Treadway

    Great blog! What a reminder we all need to be gentle in how we deal with one another.

  • Jhaskins

    Some people go to their graves, as a result of hearing hurtful words as a child. Destroying self esteem, destroys the "I can do!" confidence.
    Balance is key, as we all need correction. Give the correction the way that we would like to be the role reversal.
    I notice that sometimes, those that can dish out the yelling and emotional pain, can't take it. We don't feel the "stones" that we throw at others, but we sure feel the "stones" thrown at us.
    We all need to pray for His Spirit to keep us balanced.

  • twc549

    I unfortunately have this problem of yelling, mostly in anger and frustration. I have been approached not only by my partner in life but by family and friends. I have also been spoken too by individuals I work with. I have to change this with the help of Christ. Please pray for me . This way of communication will never advance the kingdom of God

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