The Amazing Race

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The Amazing Race

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Many people are familiar with the television series The Amazing Race. It is made up of pairs of people running a race around the world. The goal is to not be the last team to reach each pit stop to avoid being eliminated from the race. The competitors are given different tasks to complete before moving on. The ultimate goal is to be the only pair left at the finish line and to win a million dollars.

We as Christians are in the greatest amazing race. It's not a race against each other where only one person wins, but a race that, when completed, will reap the greatest reward for all those who complete the race. It is a difficult race that requires the constant help from our Father in heaven, but He wants us all to be winners (1 Timothy 2:4). Paul says: "I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 3:14). Let's press on and win that amazing race!

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