The Automatic Return

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The Automatic Return

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We carefully seek somewhere to place our hard earned wealth so that our return will be maximized. That is the way it works in the physical world. The real world is not physical however. The real world is spiritual and lasting. In that world, everything we send or give into the lives of someone else comes back into our own life. It comes back as an automatic return and in great abundance.

The Bible tells us to cast our bread upon the waters and we will find it again (Ecclesiastes 11:1). Luke noted that when we give, we will always receive back that which we gave and it will be running over (Luke 6:38). The greatest gift we can give is to love another in a godly manner. True outgoing concern is the attitude God exhibits and wants us to exhibit. There is an automatic return when you give love away. That return is never our aim and we should not seek a reward. We are to give and watch the flood tide returning. That is God's way.

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