This Too Shall Pass Away
Each person plays their part in gaining wealth, power, fame and glory. It is not a sin to be wealthy, famous or powerful. Sin lies in how we come to that point and what we do once we have arrived. The world does need leaders, investors and law-givers. A person can amass a huge fortune and if used wisely, can be a great benefactor to many. But as an old saying goes: "You can't take it with you."
For each person the good times and the bad times will pass. They always have and always will, given enough time. The greatest achiever and most famous is but a moment in time in the history of the world. When life is over and a new generation comes along, that achiever too will be forgotten. Since "this too shall pass away" is something we know, our focus needs to include the "what then?" Jesus told of a man who gained much, but at the height of his glory, his life was required (Luke 12:19-21). Riches laid up for ourselves will pass, but being rich toward God is lasting. This life passes. Eternal life lasts forever.