Tongue of Kindness

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Tongue of Kindness

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It does not cause pain or discomfort to our tongue when we speak words of kindness. It does not cause discomfort or cost us anything to choose words that edify and uplift. The Bible praises a woman with a tongue of kindness as a great treasure to her family and society (Proverbs 31:26). She receives praise from family and friends and has a good reputation. Of course, this principle can be applied to everyone, not just to women.

When we repeatedly act the same way, our minds develop habits and form patterns of thought. One kind word and one act of kindness each day benefits others, but the greatest benefit comes to us. We benefit by respecting ourselves and learning how to show kindness toward others. When we extend kind words to others, it doesn’t hurt us—we are able to grow toward having godly character.

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