Ugly Goes to the Bone

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Ugly Goes to the Bone

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“Ugly” can indicate a mean streak, sadistic nature, vanity or pride, or other negatives that are strong and hurtful.

Usually a person who is totally enamored with him or herself will become mean and spiteful if things do not go their way. That is their character showing through in their words and actions.

It does not have to stay this way. “Ugliness” makes the owner’s life somewhat miserable too. We can overcome ugliness on the inside by replacing it with beauty. How we focus our thoughts can change our character. God expects a person to fight the ugliness within. The Bible tells us to stir up love and good works, and choose the new and living way (Hebrews 10:20-24). Feeding our minds good and wholesome thoughts leads to health in our character. He gave healthy direction to the church in Philippi—to think and meditate on true, noble, just and pure things and peace will come (Philippians 4:8-9). This diet needs to be daily and consistent.

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